AED  210.00

Embarking on a wellness-inspired cleansing journey? This is where you begin the ultimate regimen of loving your body. The Beginner package is designed for wellness enthusiasts new to the cleansing routine.
It gently exposes your body to the detoxification process to help prepare it for the coming days of cleansing.



The Beginner package is designed for wellness enthusiasts new to the cleansing routine. It gently exposes your body to the detoxification process to help prepare it for the coming days of cleansing.

Why you must not skip The Beginner package?

Can you build a strong building without a strong foundation? The Beginner package is the foundation of a cleansing journey. Commence it with full love and appreciation of what your body does for you. The Beginner package makes you feel the difference inside your body with a gentle cleanse. Just make sure you eat very light solid meals to help juices do their work.

This package gives you a glimpse into the world of cleansing with a changed perspective on dietary habits. Follow it with our next selection of cleansing packages.

What makes the Beginner special?

The Beginner package comes with the goodness of five juices: Lemon and Mint, Sweet Green, Beta Carotene, Red Beet, and Fuel. Lemon and Mint juice gives your body essential electrolytes, thus beginning the process of cleansing. The precursors of retinol (Vitamin A), Beta Carotene and Red Beet boost the immune system and are a blessing for your eyes and skin. Gut-friendly Sweet Green alkalises the body resulting in a healthy immune system and natural detoxification. As the names suggest, Fuel juice supplies the much-needed energy filled with freshness. The Beginner package is an antioxidant powerhouse, supplying essential minerals and electrolytes with a total of 920 calories. A perfect concoction, isn’t it?


  • Exposes your body to gentle cleansing
  • A bundle of six juices- all cold-pressed, organic, and natural
  • Detoxifies and cleanses
  • Boosting and energising
  • Packed with antioxidants, electrolytes, and minerals